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Prof. Bob Fennis, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
This high-density, 3-day advanced course builds on the basic course “Experimental Research Design” and hence starts where that one left off. Similar to the basic course, it will focus the main stages of experimental research starting from generating interesting, and testable hypotheses, via the selection of a suitable design and the sample size that affords testing the key notions, to analyzing the data, writing up the results and developing and pursuing a program of research. Yet, the perspective from which we do that is more advanced and is heavily influenced by the increased demands that are placed on all of us by journal editors, reviewers and the academic community at large. A key “game changer” responsible for these increased demands is the replication crisis in empirical science, that was observed first in psychology, but subsequently spread to basically all empirical social sciences including economics, management, business, and marketing. Fortunately, psychology was also the first discipline where effective remedies to manage the crisis and improve the quality of science were developed and hence we will zoom in on several of these innovations as they are now implemented as the “gold standard” in our own disciplines.
This advanced course is decidedly practical in nature, giving participants a state-of-the-art overview of the new approaches and methods used in the development and analysis of experimental designs as they are presently published in the top-tier journals in our field, while providing many opportunities for methodological practice. In addition, the course is aimed at teaching and practicing advanced, but hands-on research skills that can be readily implemented in one’s own research programme.
Preliminary Programme In this course, a highly interactive workshop format is adopted where we discuss and practice each of the following stages in experimentation, from research question to research paper: Revisiting the Basics: Short recap of the fundamentals of experimental design
Experimenting after the Replication Crisis: What has changed?
Overview and Design: What kind of experiment?
Analysis and Results 1: The 2x2 and its alternatives
Analysis and Results II: Beyond the interaction
General Discussion: How to write it all up and move from there…
The course is aimed at PhD students and research staff with a background in marketing, management, business, consumer behavior or psychology and with a basic understanding of the fundamentals of experimental research design - Recommend for those that have taken a basic course in Experimental Resign Design
Full attendance is required to obtain the certificate.
PARTICIPATION FEE EIASM SCHOLARSHIPS Important: please double check the validity of your university’s membership. It may run until a specific month of a given year and thus only make you eligible for a discount until the end of that month. For the complete list of members click here. CANCELLATION POLICY
TIME AND LOCATION The EDEN Team EIASM - Rue FOSSÉ AUX LOUPS - 38 - BOX 3 - 1000 BRUSSELS - BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 226 66 69 Email: |