Professor Joachim GASSEN
We invite applications for the 37th EAA Doctoral Colloquium, which be held online on Monday 24 - Tuesday 25 May 2021. The aim of the Doctoral Colloquium is to provide an opportunity for European doctoral students in accounting to present and discuss their research with a distinguished faculty, supplemented with a menu of plenary sessions and group activities on a range of issues relevant for PhD students, such as the journal submission and review process; the job market and early career; reviewing and presenting, and other research and career-related topics. Please submit your application as soon as possible and certainly no later than 18 December 2020. Applications must be completed online and contain a CV, an extended 3-page abstract of the doctoral research currently undertaken, and a questionnaire completed by the main thesis advisor. Your advisor must use the template provided – download template. Students who were admitted last year but could not attend because the event was cancelled must re-apply with an updated application this year. Thus, applications from last year are not automatically rolled forward. While the EAA has generously offered to support a few more students this year if the need arises (up to 9), unfortunately we cannot guarantee places to last year’s admitted students. Students accepted for the Doctoral Colloquium will be required to prepare a full paper for presentation at the colloquium following the typical format of research papers in accounting (or their sub-areas where conventions vary). PhD students who have progressed at least beyond their second year are the most likely to benefit from the colloquium. Accordingly, we only encourage later-stage doctoral students (who already have at least one working paper rather than merely a research proposal) to apply. The organising institutions—the European Accounting Association (EAA) and the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)—attach considerable importance to the Doctoral Colloquium. Not only does the colloquium provide a way of stimulating high-quality doctoral research, it also establishes and enhances a network of international contacts between younger accounting researchers, and between them and established scholars. We are grateful for their support. The deadline has passed. It is no longer possible to submit.
Please CLICK HERE to download the tentative programme of the Doctoral Colloquium.
Please CLICK HERE to download the list of participants.
Ms. Marion Hebbelynck |