Tine Buyl - Department of Organization Studies, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Top executives are among the most important decision-makers, influencing their organizations’ strategy, performance, and social impact. The series of EIASM Workshops on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy was initiated in 2010 as a specialized and focused forum for researchers to engage in constructive discussions on the relationship among Top Management Teams and the ability of firms to respond strategically to the challenges they face, and to find new opportunities for research collaboration. To date, the EIASM Workshops on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy have become renowned venues for strategic leadership research in Europe and beyond, and an excellent opportunity to strengthen the international research networks among scholars interested in strategic leadership.
The workshop will feature keynote speeches and panels involving our distinguished panelists, as well as paper discussion sessions and research idea pitches from emerging scholars. In the featured panel sessions, our panelists and keynote speakers will discuss important overarching challenges for strategic leadership and attention in post-Chandlerian organizations like ecosystems, platforms, and other innovative business structures as well as the implications of these challenges for research on Top Management Teams and the Attention-Based View. FINAL PROGRAMME
Deadline for research proposals: January 31, 2024
“The scarce resource is not information; it is processing capacity to attend to information. Attention is the chief bottleneck in organizational activity, and the bottleneck becomes narrower and narrower as we move to the tops of organizations…” Herbert Simon (1973, p. 270)
...read the full call HERE
Submission of Proposals/Abstracts (until January 31, 2024)
The submission should contain a cover page and an abstract/body of the proposal (in one single document).
The cover page must include: The title of the proposal, authors’ names, affiliations, address, telephone and email. The body of the proposal should contain an abstract of max. 2 pages (cover page and references not included). Proposals must be single-spaced, font size 12. The abstract should clearly highlight the following issues: research gap, theories used, research method, and contribution of the research. ---------------
Submission of full papers (until May 5, 2024) - Only the initial submitter can upload a final version!
● Go on the EIASM web site (http://www.eiasm.net)
● Click on “Workshops & conferences / Event administration”
● Enter your login (which is your e-mail)
● Please note that you need to enter your e-mail address exactly as it appears in your EIASM profile
● Add your password (in case you have forgotten one of these items, please follow the procedure indicated).
● At that stage, you will see that the final version of your paper is needed. Clicking on “details” enables you to upload it
● In case the title is different from the title of the abstract you submitted, please modify it.
● Once it’s done, don't forget to click on the “SAVE” button.
We are grateful for partial and generous funding of this event by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) - Research Training Group 2702 "Digital Platform Ecosystems" at the University of Passau, project number 443732464. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the generous sponsors of the Association of Friends and Supporters of the Faculty of Business Administration (Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät) at the University of Passau and the Neuburger Gesprächskreis e.V.
For options click here
We recommend to make your reservation before May 1, 2024! TRAVEL TO PASSAU (GERMANY) Travel by train: https://www.bahn.com/en Fly to Munich Airport: https://www.munich-airport.com Fly to Vienna Airport: https://www.viennaairport.com OUR CO2 FOOTPRINT The fees are 305 + 19% VAT for EIASM Academic Council Members and 390 + 19% VAT for non-members.
ADMINISTRATION Ms. Cristina Setyar - EIASM Conference ManagerEIASM - RUE FOSSÉ AUX LOUPS - 38 - BOX 3 - 1000 BRUSSELS - BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 226 66 69 - Fax: Email: setyar@eiasm.be |