Conny Herbert ANTONI Xavier BAETEN Aino TENHIÄLÄ
Organizations are increasingly creating social and environmental performance indicators to assess and incentivize corporate responsibility and sustainability. Responsible rewards include socially responsible and sustainable rewards programs, such as sustainable employment and skilling, sustainability-driven benefits, equal pay, and the inclusion of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria in incentives. In addition, they should support employee well-being and not harm other stakeholders. The theme of the conference includes how compensation-related HR practices, such as salary levels, incentives, employee benefits and the work environment support corporate social responsibility and sustainability (CSR/S). We aim to attract studies along these lines, but also research on whether what is good for employees is also good for shareholders, how managerial beliefs affect assessments of social return for investment, and whether such rewards also cause unintended consequences. Submissions on research in the field of rewards, whether closely or more distantly related to the conference theme, are welcome. Select papers from the conference will also be considered for a special issue in Compensation and Benefits Review around the same responsible-rewards theme
We welcome submissions related to the conference theme, but we also welcome all papers dealing with relevant recent research in the field of rewards, whether it being theoretical, empirical, or case-based. We welcome research from over all parts of the world, as this will provide a truly intercultural perspective. Research dealing with the aforementioned topics is extremely welcome, but the conference is also open to other interesting research in the field of rewards.
Please click HERE to download the conference programme.
PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITIES Following on the success following the previous conferences in publishing selected papers in a journal special edition or edited books, select papers from the conference will also be considered for a special issue on “Responsible Rewards” in Compensation & Benefits Review. In the past, the following Special Issues and edited Books have been produced:
LOCATION The conference will take place in the premises of the The best way to get from Brussels Airport (BRU) to ‘ Place Rogier’ (main square at a few minutes walk from Vlerick) is to take the train which takes 19 min and costs €8 - €10. The name of the nearest railway station is ‘Brussels Nord’ which is on the Place Rogier. By taxi from the airport, the cost is about 50 EUR.
ACCOMMODATION Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre (Located 2 minutes walk from Vlerick) Special rate: €145 FEES The fees include participation to the conference, documents, lunches, the conference dinner, morning and afternoon refreshments
Cancellations made before November 25, 2024 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date. Payments should be made by :
ADMINISTRATION Ms. Graziella Michelante - EIASM Conference ManagerEIASM - RUE FOSSÉ AUX LOUPS - 38 - BOX 3 - 1000 BRUSSELS - BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 226 66 62 - Fax: Email: |