Professor Chris BREWSTER - Henley Management School, U.K.
Professor Pawan BUDHWAR - Aston Business School, Birmingham, U.K.
Birmingham, U.K.
The field of HRM has now evolved world-wide and perhaps matured in the western developed nations. Considering the rapid pace of globalisation, developments in emerging markets, expansion of the European Union and the growing uncertainties in the world, it is now time to examine the emerging HRM issues in the present dynamic business context. * Strategic HRM - increasing strategic nature of HRM, its impact on organizational achievements, role, status and nature of HRM function and the way forward * HRM and Firms' Performance - empirical evidence to further cement such developments, especially in the non UK/US context; methodological issues; and the way forward. * International HRM - expansion of emerging school of thought from the focus on MNCs to cross-cultural and comparative HRM. Increased emphasis on examining HRM systems of emerging markets; and issues related to transfer of HRM across national boundaries. * HRM and Other Emerging Issues - HR issues related to outsourcing; HRM,innovation and learning organizations; ethical issues and HRM.
Please click HERE to download the programme.
The workshop will start at around 8:30 a.m. on March 30 to end around 5pm on the following day.
Here are 2 hotels suggestions (located in the workshop surroundings) 1. Hotel Campanile:
The fees include participation to the Workshop, workshop documents, lunches, the workshop dinner and morning and afternoon refreshements. Fees will be posted shortlyCancellations made before March 20, 2006 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date. Payments should be made by :
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