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TWENTE, JUNE 7-9, 2009

Product innovation is increasingly considered to be a central source for competitive advantage and a crucial driver for economic growth. Corporations are trying to face the challenges of global competition by launching new products that better satisfy explicit and latent user needs and desires, and that have improved performance, superior functionality, lower cost, higher symbolic and emotional value, and sustainable impact on the environment.

In this scenario, companies are seeking to understand how new products may be conceived and developed successfully. Managing product development is a major challenge because of its inherent uncertain, complex and multidisciplinary nature. Product development requires the management of creative resources and experimental processes with uncertain outputs. Also, it requires the management of many different types of interfaces: both interactions between different units within a firm (marketing, research, manufacturing, etc.) and interactions with external actors, being them users, suppliers, partners, designers, or universities. The interfaces today cross the borders of countries and continents. Different types of knowledge, competencies, attitudes and values have to work together.

In the last years the list of challenges has been extended by the emergence of communities of experts who are developing new ideas and even products beside traditional firms. It becomes more important to understand how they work and how companies can cooperate with them .

Research on product development management is challenged by this uncertain, complex and multidisciplinary nature. In order to understand the dynamics of new product conception and development, scholars have increasingly to operate across different disciplines: strategy, management of innovation, technology and R&D management, project management, research policy, marketing, design, anthropology, sociology, organization, operations management, etc.


The conference is a unique opportunity for researchers of different backgrounds, but with a common interest on management of product development, to up-date and exchange views. The conference will provide ample opportunities for both formal and informal discussions of the work presented, as well as opportunities for discussions about future international and interdisciplinary research co-operation.

Participants are encouraged to present results of their own work (although presenting is not a requirement for attendance and active participation). The focus of the conference is on management issues. Priority is given to research, which has an empirical basis. The theoretical base must be made clear, and references to already-existing research in the field must be made explicit.

The conference includes a Doctoral Workshop which will be held prior to the conference. 


The conference theme for 2009 is “Managing Dualities in the Innovation Journey” and refers to the balancing and trade-offs related to exploration and exploitation. Recent debates on Best Practices in NPD address the tensions between incremental and more radical innovation. Managing these dualities by developing and maintaining innovation strategies, organizational forms and business networks that facilitate both exploration and exploitation, is a major challenge for the management of innovation. These issues will be reflected in the design and set up of the conference, as well as in the plenary sessions, which will highlight dualities of the innovation journey from an academic, industrial and innovation policy viewpoint.

The papers presented in this conference are expected to fit broadly – but not exclusively – into one of the following categories:

A. Organizing for product development
- Team working
- Managing cross-functional interfaces
- Project management and multi-project strategies
- Human resources capacities – Motivation and goals
- PD in Small and Medium Enterprises

B. Knowledge and IT resources in PD
- Knowledge development
- Learning and continuous improvement in PD
- Internet support in product development
- Advanced design technologies and groupware
- Experimentation and prototyping

C. Product development strategy and performance
- Linking product development to business strategies
- Business models and PD
- Technology strategies and policies
- Product line planning and product strategy
- Product platforms and shelf innovation
- Sustainable product development
- Performance measurement of PD

D. Leadership and creativity in PD
- Leadership styles and impact on PD
- Creative and innovative climate
- Understanding the role of managers in PD
- Managing creative talents, specialists and professionals
- Innovation culture in PD

E. Creativity and Design Management and Busisness Performance
- Design driven strategies for PD
- The interaction between design and PD
- Applied Ethnography, empathy and design scenarios
- Emotional and experience design
- Strategic design
- Human factors in NPD

F. Product development in a global context
- Virtual and global PD management
- Integrating localization and standardization
- Cross-cultural PD

G. Networks and alliances in PD
- Alliances, joint ventures and forms of collaboration
- Role of suppliers and customers in PD
- PD and the supply-chain
- Outsourcing of PD
- Networks of innovators and virtual organizations
- Industry-university collaboration

H. Radical product innovation
- Developing new products in highly uncertain contexts
- Understanding pre-emerging markets
- Developing disruptive technologies
- Setting product standards
- Patenting
- User Centred Product Innovation

I. Product development process
- Flexible and iterative development processes
- Risk management in PD integrating research and development
- Technology selection and integration
- Idea handling and concept generation
- Product-life cycle analysis and management
- Concurrent engineering, QFD,DFM
- Environmentally driven design

J. Product development in services and software
- New service development
- Service blueprint and interaction design
- Integration of ICT in traditional products
- Software development
- Development of web-based services

K. Marketing, users and product development
- Marketing and PD
- Brand management and PD
- Analysis of user needs
- Analysis of socio-cultural trends
- The role of lead users

L. Entrepreneurship and PD
- Product development in new ventures
- Product innovation and academic spin-offs
- Financing product development
Additionally the Conference Board decided to offer three new tracks at the IPDMC 2008 which are :

M. Product Development in SME

N. Open Innovation – Product Development in communities and in cooperation with Communities

O. Teaching Innovation and New Product Development Management

The aim of this new track is to start a discourse on the teaching of innovation management, that will raise the standard of pedagogy in our area

Topics of interest include:

• Surveys on how innovation is taught at different schools
• Measuring the effectiveness of innovation teaching
• Approaches for teaching engineering, design or business school students
• Different approaches for teaching undergraduates, masters-level students, and executives
• Executive education on innovation
• Innovation in service industries: the implications for teaching

As is the tradition of the Conference, priority will be given to research that has an empirical basis.


The goal of the review process is to select a number of papers that will stimulate discussion and the development of new knowledge, with preference given to empirical research. Some of the papers will inevitably be more fully developed than others; however, it is hoped that each author will gain insights during the conference that will strengthen their research and introduce them to other scholars who share their interests.

The review process examines over 250 submissions each year. Authors submit an extended abstract about 500 words in length. This abstract should identify the central research question, introduce the most important references and describe the methodology, empirical base, analysis, and results. Each abstract is evaluated by two or three members of the conference board. All are senior professors who are well positioned internationally in the field. Each abstract is evaluated using most of the following points.

• Quality of the proposed contribution to theory and practice
• Originality and appropriateness of the research method, with a preference for empirical research
• Technical competence in the development and execution of the research
• Value of the findings in contributing to knowledge and managerial practice

The organizing committee responds to the author(s) with an overall assessment. The overall assessment scale is graded using the following scale:

• Rejected
• Develop and resubmit
• Conditional acceptance, either Accepted with demanded changes or Accepted with minor requested changes
• Accepted

When the reviewers request resubmission of an extended abstract, the conference chair examines the revision if the changes are minor but consults the reviewers in other cases. A resubmitted abstract can either be accepted or reject at this point.

Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to submit final papers. Conference participation (full registration) is a further condition for publication in the conference proceedings.

If you are considering submitting an abstract to this conference for the first time, you should view the video that describes the conference and includes portions of actual presentations. Scroll down on this page to the heading “Watch the Conference” to see the link to the video.


Please click HERE to download the programme.



Kees Eijkel's presentation : please click here to download the file

Aard Groen's presentation : please click here to download the file

Mirijam Luizink's presentation: please click here to download the file

Michael Song, Lisa Song & Mark Parry's  presentation : please click here to download the file



The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the members of the organizing committee of the International Product Development Management Conference are looking for candidate-organisers for the conferences in 2012 and 2013.

For more information, please click HERE.


Papers must fulfill the following requirements:

1. The theoretical base must be made clear, and references to already-existing research in the field must be made explicit.

2. Priority is given to research which has an empirical basis. This means that conceptual discussions without empirical tests or basis will be accepted only exceptionally.

3. The focus of the conference is on management issues, so we request that papers include managerial implications.

To help the selection process, please clearly indicate in the extended abstract: the purpose of the paper, its reference to existing literature, the research method and empirical base, and the results and managerial implications.

Christer Karlson Best paper award :

The Conference Board will select one Best Paper out of the papers submitted. The author(s) will receive an award during the closing session of the conference.

Publication of papers :

The Conference Board will encourage selected authors to submit their papers for review to the Journal of Product Innovation Management. A special issue is planned for publication in 2010.


List of Nominees

• Acur, Kandemir, De Weerd-Nederhof, Song: “Exploring the impact of technological competence development on speed and NPD program performance”
• Battistella Cinzia, Biotto, De Toni: “Design Driven innovation: new meanings in the products or also in the business models?
• Belderbos, Faems, Leten, Van Looy: “The impact of invention activities on financial performance: combining the exploration/exploitation and solitary/collaborative dichotomies”
• Carbonell, Rodriguez, Munuera: “Positive and negative effects of team stressors on job satisfaction and new product performance”
• Christiansen, Varnes, Storm-Nielsen, Johnsen Winter, Gasparin: “You live at least twice: recreating product life”
• Gillier, Piat, Roussel, Truchot: “Portfolio management of innovation fields: Applying CK design theory in cross industry exploratory partnership”
• Faems, Andries, De Visser, Van Looy: “Technology alliance portfolios and financial performance disentangling value-enhancing and cost-increasing effects of Open Innovation”
• Kester, Griffin, Hultink, Lauche: “Building an integrative model of Portfolio Decision-making”
• Moenaerts, Robben, Antioco, Deschamphelaere, Roks: “Strategic decision making and new product development”
• Poetz, Pruegl, Fabsich: “Systematic Identification of problem solvers from analogous markets
• Van Oorschot, Akkermans, Sengupta, Van Wassenhove: “Get fat fast- surviving NPD projects”

Runner Up

Marion Poetz, Reinhard Pruegl, Christian Fabsich

“Systematic Identification of problem solvers from analogous markets: an empirical exploration of the potential of the search method ‘pyramiding’”

Christer Karlsson Best Paper Award 2009

Dries Faems, Petra Andries, Matthias de Visser, Bart Van Looy

"Technology alliance portfolios and financial performance disentangling value-enhancing and cost-increasing effects of open innovation "


The doctoral workshop is as an integrated part of the IPDMC conferences (since Hamburg in 2008). It will start on Saturday June 6  around noon and will continue on Sunday morning.

To stimulate academic scholarship, discussions of ideas and dialogue among students and researchers from different countries, in the field of Product Development Management research, we would like to invite doctoral students to attend this doctoral workshop.

PhD students in early and middle stages of their PhD research project are particularly encouraged to participate and present their research proposals, preliminary results and their reflexions on issues related to theory, methods and analysis. In case the PhD dissertation is not a monograph and is made of a series of articles on a common theme, the candidate can present a part of the work and a two-page summary of the overall dissertation theme.

Sessions will be organized in smaller groups based on the submitted material with one senior researcher in each group, but there will also be plenary sessions on topics of general interest, e.g. on how to get your research into journals and methodology issues.

Research proposals and project material presented will be discussed by senior researchers as well as by younger researchers experienced in the specific field of the research presented.

Doctoral candidates interested in attending and presenting their research proposal and/or their reflexions on their work so far (not the results of finished research) should submit a description of their research, on maximum 5 pages focusing on: their research goals, a short presentation of the state of art within the area, and their approach, and main issues or problems they wish to discuss in workshop with other doctoral candidates and senior researchers.

The chairmen for the PhD workshop will assess the submitted descriptions and select those who will attend the workshop. The number of participants is limited to 20 Ph.D. students.

There is no extra fee for participation in the Doctoral Seminar, but registration for the IPDMC is compulsory

Chairmen for PhD workshop:

Professor John K. Christiansen, Copenhagen Business School.
Professor Armand Hatchuel, Ecole des Mines, Paris

Faculty members:

Armand Hatchuel, Professor, Ecole des Mines, Paris
John K. Christiansen , Professor, Copenhagen Business School
Thomas, P. Hustad, Professor, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Paul Coughlan, Professor, Trinity College Dublin
Anthony Di Benedetto, Professor, Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA,
Petra de Weerd-Nederhof, Associate Professor, University of Twente, Enschede
Christer Karlsson, Professor, Dean of Executive Education, Copenhagen Business School

- Submission of project description, research proposal or preliminary observations November 15, 2008
- Acceptance to participate in PhD Workshop start of January 2009.
- Submission of material to be presented at workshop by May 4, 2009

Contact person : Professor John K. Christiansen, Copenhagen Business School,  johnc@cbs.dk


Conference Chair :

Petra DE WEERD-NEDERHOF, University of Twente, Dept. Operations, Organisation and Human Resources (OOHR) 
Aard GROEN, University of Twente, Dutch Institute of Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship (NIKOS)

Conference Board :

Christer KARLSSON, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and EIASM - Chairman
Harry BOER, Aalborg University, Denmark
John CHRISTIANSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Paul COUGHLAN, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland
Koenraad DEBACKERE, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Keith GOFFIN, Cranfield School of Management, U.K.
Abbie GRIFFIN, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
Armand HATCHUEL, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
Eric Jan HULTINK, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Thomas HUSTAD, Indiana University, U.S.A.
Marco IANSITI, Harvard Business School, USA
Hans KOLLER, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany (2008 Organizer)
Alan MACCORMACK, Harvard Business School
José Luis MUNUERA, University of Murcia, Spain (2010 Organizer)
Roberto VERGANTI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Conference Steering Committee :

Abbie GRIFFIN, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
Eric Jan HULTINK, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
John CHRISTIANSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Local Team:

Jeannette VISSER-GROENEVELD, University of Twente (OOHR)
Annemarie RIDDER, University of Twente (NIKOS)
Annemien PULLEN, University of Twente (NIKOS)


Follow this link to a video covering the 10th anniversary conference. See the ambiance, the formats, the participants, the activities, keynotes, and more. You will also learn about important ideas behind the conference and the advantages of participating as well as relations to journal publishers. If you are considering attending for the first time or simply wish to rekindle your memories, click the link for 27 minutes of enjoyment. 


The tabs to the left of the image allow you to jump to various sections, like chapters in a DVD, so that you do not need to view the video in a single session. If the video does not immediately begin to play, just move the slider control slightly to the right, and then back to the left, before clicking play. 


The Conference will start on Sunday afternoon June 7 with registration (details will be announced soon).

The academic program of the Conference will start formally at 09.00 a.m. on Monday 8 June and is scheduled to end at approximately 17.00 on Tuesday 9 June, 2009.


The Conference will take place in Conference hotel “De Drienerburght”, at the University of Twente, Enschede,The Netherlands.


From within Schiphol (Amsterdam Airport)  there is a train connection to Hengelo/Enschede.
A  timetable can be found on this website:  http://www.ns.nl/cs/Satellite/travellers.


For your accommodation during the conference we suggest the following four hotels: 

Conference Hotel Drienerburght: http://www.drienerburght.nl/index.php?id=74 
single: 72, 50 euro incl. breakfast, double 82,00 euro incl. breakfast - (mention “IPDMC 2009” when making your booking)(this is where the conference will be held)

De Broeierd: http://www.edenhoteldebroeierd.com/overview.aspx 
(5-10 minutes’ walk from the conference venue)

Eden Dish Hotel: http://www.edendishhotel.com/overview.aspx 
92,00 euro (single/double), 15,00 euro extra for breakfast (mention “IPDMC 2009” when making your booking)
(in the city Centre of Enschede, approx. 5 km from the conference venue)

Eden Star Hotel: http://www.edenstarhotel.com/overview.aspx 
92,00 euro (single/double), 15,00 euro extra for breakfast (mention “IPDMC 2009” when making your booking) 

(in the city Centre of Hengelo, approx. 5 km from the conference venue)

Prices for hotels in the Netherlands are relatively low, compared to a lot of other countries. For all four hotels mentioned above the current price is between € 80 and € 110 per night (breakfast included). Cheaper prices may be available if booked through the web.

· Travelling to the conference hotel: http://www.drienerburght.nl/index.php?id=66 
· Travelling to the university: http://www.utwente.nl/en/services/route/



The fees include participation to conference, the conference book of abstracts, the CD, the 2 lunches the welcome reception, the conference dinner and the morning and afternoon refreshments.  

Fees will be posted shortly

Cancellations made before May 15, 2009 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

Payments should be made by :

  • The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access




Ms. Graziella Michelante - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 62 - Fax:
Email: michelante@eiasm.be